Missing In Action - Hack The Box Challenge

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  less than 1 minute read


Roland Sanchez from Birmingham, UK is missing. The family are convinced he was kidnapped on a business trip. Can you help?


The first thing I did was Google “Roland Sanchez Birmingham, UK” and found this LinkedIn profile:

I found his linkedin:


No su much info so so I look for your company which you say you are CEO of

And I founs his twitter:


Once this pandemic is over, we'll be opening our new branches in earnest. Be sure to check 
 for our locations!

following this message search by foursquare… but nothing so I did some google dorks

site foursquare.com roland sanchez

And in the first result I found the flag.

By the way, There’s a bit more info about this around the internet, maybe you’ll find it if u try this by yourself.
