Digital Cube - Hack The Box Challenge

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  less than 1 minute read

digital cube htb

We can do this challenge in any operative system.

With Linux, we start off by unziping the zip we got from HTB, using unzip; rm

We then get a digitalcube.txt

cat digitalcube.txt



Let’s try to convert it to ASCII.

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Well, it seems this is a dead end…

Let’s try to read again the challenge… I saw some clues, the title itself Digital Cube and TIME ELAPSED: 50:50, so.. a cube and 50:50, it seems like a ratio, 50x50px. So using this website to convert binary to text, setting 50 as width I got this image:

digital cube htb 2

We can apreciate that it’s a QR and the 0’s were black pixels and the 1’s were white pixels.

So we’ll read it, I will use

And finally we got the flag

digital cube htb 3